How to use the chatter in Salesforce
In this blog we will learn how to use chatter in salesforce. Chatter in salesforce provide us with a platform to interact with all the users in the organisation. It connects, engages, and motivates users to work efficiently across the organization regardless of role or location. We can simulate our organisation’s functionality by using following features of chatter:
- Create Groups
- Advanced search engine find files, people, groups, teams, work records, and other information
Chatter in Salesforce:
Go to Your Name > My Profile.
1) Feed and Overview tab shows information about the user.
2) The user can upload his/her picture.
3) The user can edit their contact information.
Groups fulfills the purpose of information sharing regarding some event related to confined number of people or it improves the interaction within the team.
There are following types of groupes provided by salesforce:
1) Public groups– Visible to all employees.
2) Private groups– Only open to group members.
3) Unlisted groups– Don’t appear on search results.
4) Groups with customers– Can be private/unlisted, it allows external users. For ex- Customer.
5) Broadcast only– Only Group mangers and Owners can create post.
Creating Groups:
Step 1: Chatter Settings
1) Go to Setup > Customize > Chatter > Chatter Settings.
2) Click Edit.
3) Check Allow Records in Groups and Enable Unlisted Groups.
4) Click Save.
Step 2: Create Group
Fill the information according to your requirement and Save.
That’s all for how to use chatter in salesforce, still have any issue feel free to add a ticket and let us know your views to make the code better
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