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 Shopify Marketing Cloud Connector

 Shopify Marketing Cloud Connector

Shopify and Salesforce Marketing Cloud Connector
Now you can avail of unified synchronization between Shopify & Marketing Cloud with Shopify Marketing Cloud Connector. It is enhancing the features of e-commerce and CRM platforms with the concept of service first approach. It enables you to sync Products, Abandoned Checkouts, Subscribers, Customers and orders from Shopify to Marketing Cloud.


    • Sync Products, Abandoned Checkouts, Subscribers, Customers, and orders from Shopify to Marketing Cloud manually & in real-time.
    • 100% accurate data is being synced with the marketing cloud.
    • Very easy to integrate & manage at your store.


  • ***Note***: Abandoned Checkout auto-sync is available with Business Plan.


New Updates: 


  • In our new update, a large amount of data can be synced partially which saves your time. Now there is no need for you to sync all the data at once.
  • The option to filter the product data has been provided through product name or SKU, sync status, or date.
  • The option to filter the order data has been provided through sync status, order status, subscriber email, max total, min total, or date.
  • The option to filter the subscriber data has been provided through name, email, or sync status.
  • Likewise, the filter option above has been provided for Abandoned checkout and customer data.


How to Connect :

Export Customers as Subscribers to Marketing Cloud In Real-Time

Now you can easily run email campaigns for the customers of your store by simply exporting the existing customers to the subscribers’ list of the marketing cloud.

Export Product Catalog & Orders to Marketing Cloud Data Extension In Real-Time

If you want to send particular products or order details in the email campaign from a single platform then this feature will be really helpful. You can get the catalog & order details of your Shopify store on the Marketing Cloud itself by integrating this connector.

Export abandoned checkout details to Marketing Cloud Data Extension

Now reach out to your abandoned checkouts and increase the conversion probability by fetching the abandoned checkout data from Shopify to the marketing cloud data extension. Simply sync the data and approach the target audience via email campaigns.

***Note***: Abandoned checkout auto-sync is only available with Business Plan.


Prerequisites on the Marketing Cloud end :

There are some prerequisites that need to be taken care of, at the Salesforce Marketing Cloud end.

You need to have API User enabled in the “user” section.

Now, you have to set the Grant The User Access To The WebService role for the user.
api access

How to Install App

Now at the Shopify end, you need to do the following setup:

Visit Shopify App Storeshopify connector

Type Marketing Cloud in the search box.marketing cloud

Click on the application.

Click on Add App Button to add our application.add app

Click on the Install app as shown below.install app

After successful installation, you will be redirected to the configuration page of the Marketing Cloud Connector as per the below screenshot. In step 1, you just need to enter the Salesforce Marketing Cloud Connector Client ID, Client Secret, Marketing Cloud Account ID, and Sub-Domain, and afterward Click on save to save all the credentials.

General Settings of Shopify SFMC

To get the Client ID, client secret, and Account ID click on this user guide and follow the required steps.

App Settings

For Apps Settings, here is the screenshot attached below, which can help you with the inside App Settings

App Settings for Shopify SFMC

In our application, there is an option to sync the Shopify and Marketing Cloud data in real-time. You can switch the button On to sync the data in a real-time.

How to Sync Data in Marketing Cloud

Sync all the past records using the sync button within the Shopify Marketing Cloud Connector. The sync data view is shown in the screenshot below.

Sync Products

Just click on the Products tab. Click the export button (Product DataExtension) provided for exporting these products to the Marketing Cloud data extension. This is how you can export the products to the Marketing Cloud.

Products list Shopify SFMC

To filter the product data, click on the filter button as shown below.
Filter Products list in Shopify SFMC
Apply filter to Products list

The “Batch Action” button is used to sync the specific records whose sync status is shown as “Not Synced”.


Sync Orders

This is how your Orders data will be exported to the marketing cloud data extension.

Orders list Shopify SFMC

Sync Abandoned Checkouts

This is how your Abandoned Checkouts data will be exported to the marketing cloud data extension.

Abandoned-Checkouts Shopify SFMC

Sync Customers

This is how your Customer’s data will be exported to the marketing cloud data extension.

Customers Shopify SFMC

Subscribers List

In the screenshot attached below, you can easily see whenever a new subscriber comes to your Shopify store, the data of the new subscriber will sync in real-time in the subscriber’s list.

  • Subscribers list Shopify SFMC
  • To filter the subscriber data, click on the filter button as shown below.Filter Subscribers in Shopify SFMC
  • Apply Filter to Subscribers list

Note : 

For bulk data of past records of customers and orders, you have to import the data using the import section as shown below :

For that, you need to simply export the CSV file from the Shopify end, and import it from here in order to sync all the bulk past records of customers and orders onto your Marketing Cloud end.

Go to the Import, click on import


Subscription Plans

In this section, you can easily view your current plan & can change the subscription plan of Shopify Marketing Cloud Connector at any time.

My-subscription-info Shopify SFMC

Exported Data At Marketing Cloud

Navigate to Email Studio-> Emails-> Subscribers->Data Extensions. The data ie; products, customers, and orders will be exported here in these data extensions.

Subscribers List View At Marketing Cloud End

Once you first-time sync all your existing Shopify subscribers then a new subscriber list would be created at SFMC Org along with the store name as a suffix. Under that list, you will find all your synced subscriber from Shopify to SFMC and all future Shopify subscribers will auto-add to this list. This will help you to easily find out all your Shopify subscriber in your SFMC Org.

Shopify Subscribers list with store name as suffix in SFMC

How to sync the data partially at different times when auto-sync is disabled?

  • If Auto-Sync is Disable: If Auto-Sync is disabled then you need to sync data through the “Sync Icon” as shown in the below image. For example, you have 5000 customers and in a day you have synced 2000 customers, now if you want to shut down your system, and the next day you want to sync 3000 remaining customers then when you will click on the “Sync Icon”, the count will start from 2001. You don’t have to sync the data from the start. In this way, you can easily save time.
  • If Auto-Sync is On: If Auto-Sync is On then every time data sync starts from the initial count (this is a back-end process) it will not impact anything. In the case of the auto-sync webhook trigger, if any data is updated at the Shopify end then the webhook will trigger and data will get updated at the SFMC end too. For any further queries, Click Here To Create a Ticket

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