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eShopSync for Odoo – Odoo & Salesforce Connector

eShopSync for Odoo – Odoo & Salesforce Connector

Odoo and Salesforce Integration are taking the eCommerce & CRM platform to a new high. Now dealing with eCommerce data is much easier than ever before.

Our Odoo Salesforce Connector is acting as a bridge between Odoo and Salesforce to sync data from Odoo and Salesforce.

It is enhancing the features of eCommerce and CRM platforms with the concept of a service-first approach. With the help of this application, admin can easily synchronize Customers, Category, Orders, and Products to Salesforce CRM which will help them to track sales and growth marketing trends.


  • Provides a unified Salesforce platform to manage both eCommerce and CRM data.
  • Multi-store-oriented integration to enhance management of eCommerce data more efficiently.
  • Effective utilization of multiple Odoo stores in a single Salesforce CRM.
  • Synchronize eCommerce data at Salesforce end to avail CRM benefits.
  • Synchronization of Collections from Odoo to Salesforce end.
  • Orders and Product synchronization to manage Inventory effectively.
  • Customers synchronization as Accounts and Contacts at Salesforce end.
  • Interactive design with the user interface at Salesforce end adding on effective data utilization.

Installation at ODOO End:

  1. You must ensure that before using our Odoo Salesforce Connector, you just install our application named Odoo REST API, which will act as an intermediate between Odoo and Salesforce to sync records.

The application installation link is here: https://store.webkul.com/Odoo-REST-API.html

You can browse our application in your Odoo Interface when you Click on the Apps option from the sidebar menu and search for our keyword REST, our application will appear like this.


2. Now you need to configure our application at your Odoo Interface, by clicking on the setting options from the sidebar menu.


3. After clicking on the Settings open, you will see a new tab opening with an option named General Settings, you need to scroll down the general settings option till you reach the bottom bar and you see an option named Developer Tools where you need to select the first option named as Activate the Developer Mode ( with test Assets), this option will open a particular instance in your Odoo Interface.


4. After you click on the first option, a particular instance will open the tab and from this tab, you need to copy the HOST URL, which we will need to install at the Salesforce end to ensure a proper intermediate connection between Odoo and Salesforce.

HOST URL which you need to copy: https://odoo-sf.webkul.com/

5. After performing the above step, you need to again go to the Settings Option, and select the option Technical from the sideways menu.

6. Now when you click on the Technical Menu, a dropdown list will come up with options, you need to select the Webservice account option from the dropdown list.

7. After clicking on the Webservice Account Option, you will see an option to create a new Webservice Account for a particular instance. Click on the Create option as shown below.

8. Now when you click on the create option, it will prompt you to create a Name for the Key Identifier Field, and then click on the Generate API Secret Key Option to generate the API Secret Key, you need to copy this code as it will be used at Salesforce end to ensure a connection between Odoo and Salesforce.

Thus, you are done with the installation at Odoo End.

Installation at Salesforce End

1. After logging and installing our application, you need to go to the App Launcher option to check our application for configuration.

2. After clicking on the application, you will see this tab as shown below, in which you need to click on the Configuration open and enter the HOST URL and API Secret Key to establish a connection between Salesforce and Odoo.


3. Click on the Save Option to save all the credential details to ensure a stable working connection between Odoo and Salesforce.


4. After configuring the credentials, it’s time to configure our major field which we are going to sync from Odoo to Salesforce. The first one is Customer, after toggling down this option, you will see an option to activate Person’s Account option, you can simply select the Active Stage and click on the option Save given below to activate this option.

*Note: This will ensure that your Odoo’s customer record will be saved as Person’s Account rather than Business Account in Salesforce.*



5. Now let’s move on to our next option: Product, when you toggle down this option, you will see that you can select Variant as Product and can select your Standard Price Book as Salesforce Price Book for your Product Listings and then click on Save to activate these fields as shown below:

6. Afterward, let’s move on to our Field Mapping Feature, In our Field Mapping Feature, you can easily map dynamic fields from Odoo to Salesforce as shown below.


7. After configuring the fields that need to be synced from Odoo to Salesforce, it’s time now to import records from Odoo to Salesforce. For this, you need to select the Import Records Option to import records like Category, Orders, Products, and Customers from Odoo to Salesforce.

8. After you click on the Import button, all the records will be imported from Odoo to Salesforce.

For example, Orders has been imported when you select the field Order and Click on the Import button as shown below:



9.  Your imported records will be shown as below, here’s a screenshot of the field like Orders, when you click on Orders, you will see all your orders listed below like a list.

10. Our Export Feature is underway and is coming very soon, where you can export records from Salesforce to Odoo for bidirectional data sync.


To view all our applications in Appexchange, go to Webkul Appexchange Apps.

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