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Loyalty Program For Salesforce Commerce Cloud

Loyalty Program For Salesforce Commerce Cloud

Loyalty Program For Salesforce Commerce Cloud

Welcome to our loyalty program for Salesforce Commerce Cloud! Integrating this cartridge into the salesforce commerce cloud will enable you to build customer loyalty and retention through reward points.

These reward points can be used for discounts on future purchases. This will enhance customer loyalty, increase repeat purchases, and boost the store’s revenue.

It has a user-friendly interface where you can set up the loyalty program rules easily. With this loyalty program, customers can earn points by performing specific activities based on custom events.

The latest version of this loyalty program is 1.0.0.


Features of Loyalty Program For Salesforce Commerce Cloud

  • Earn points on purchases for every spent on your order value, exclusively at the store.
  • Receive points as a birthday gift.
  • Get points for promotion on social media platforms like Facebook and X (formerly Twitter).
  • Subscribe to the newsletter to earn points.
  • Receive an email notification regarding your rewards points balance and their expiry dates.
  • Easily generate coupons from your rewards points balance and use them, while checkout.
  • Incentivize your faithful clients through customer tiers and foster long-term relationships with them.
  • Set up loyalty points expiration timeframe.
  • Create a multi-tier loyalty program and set loyalty rules based on price rules.


There are some requirements before installing the application. Make sure you fulfill the given below requirements.

  • A Node version 12 is required to install the application successfully.
  • Keep the “app_storefront_base” cartridge in the project root directory.

Note: If you have any queries about installing the Loyalty program you can get instant solutions from our Salesforce Commerce Cloud Services.


Installation of Loyalty Program For Salesforce Commerce Cloud

The installation can be carried out by following three steps:

    1. Deployment of Cartridge to SFCC
    2. OCAPI Permissions
    3. Site Import for metadata.
    4. Add the Cartridge path and enable the module for the site in Business Manager.

1. Deployment of Cartridge to SFCC


  • Go to the root directory of the project.
  • Run the “./install.sh” command to install all the dependencies and upload the cartridges to the instance.

Loyalty Program For Salesforce Commerce Cloud

  • The Success message will be shown in the terminal.

Loyalty Program For Salesforce Commerce Cloud

2. OCAPI Permission

To give OCAPI permission, go to the Administration tab> site development> click on open commerce API settings.

Add the belowOCAPI permission, these are required by the connector to be functional.

Give Data API Permissions

{ “resource_id”: “/jobs/*/executions”,
“methods”: [“post” ],
“read_attributes”: “(**)”,
“write_attributes”: “(**)” },


And, Click on Save changes

OCAPI Setting

3. Site Import for Metadata

Go to Administration > Site Development > Site Import & Export

site import and export

Upload the “siteImport.zip” file and then import it.

After the file upload, choose “instance/siteImport.zip” and then import it.

4. Add Cartridge Path and Enable Module for Business Manager

Now, add the “wk_loyalty_program” cartridge to the cartridge path of the respective site.

Go to the Administration tab > Sites > click on Manage Sites

manage site

Select the storefront given below

select storefront

Click on the ‘Settings’ tab

Add “wk_loyalty_program” Cartridge and click ‘Apply’

add cartridge

Add “wk_loyalty_program” cartridge to the cartridge path in Business Manager Settings.

To do that go to Administration > Sites > Click on ‘Manage Sites’

manage site

Go to ‘Business manager’, under the ‘Settings’ tab

manage sites

Add “wk_loyalty_program” to the cartridge path

Add cartridge

Click on Apply to save changes.

Modify the Business Manager Modules permission to make the connector visible in Business Manager.

Go to Administration > Organization > Roles & Permissions

roles and permission

Click on the ‘Administrator’


Switch to the Business Manager Module tab

Select Site from the dropdown options

select site

Select all the checkboxes for the Webkul Loyalty Program for salesforce commerce cloud and grant Read/Write permission.

Loyalty Program For Salesforce Commerce Cloud

Scroll down and Update it.

Configure Loyalty Program For Salesforce Commerce Cloud

  • Select your site from the left side of your dashboard.

select site

  • Go to the Merchant tools dropdown, and you will see Loyalty Program there

  • You simply click on the Loyalty program to access all features.

  • You can also access all the features from the dropdown section.

loyalty program features

Go to configuration and open it

You have to write down the OCAPI Client ID and OCAPI Password

configuration of loyalty program

Now under the ‘Price Rule’ section

You can set the expiry of the different events

You can also add new events and set its price rule.

price rule

Set the Price rule based on a particular event.

You can set the expiry type and expiry time

price rule

Open Customer Tier in the Merchant tools dropdown section

Set customer tier here

Now select Loyalty Rules from the Merchant Tools dropdown section

You can see the names of the events and their IDs

You can also add new events here

Suppose I select an ID and open it

Now I have access to loyalty rules of a particular ID

Here I can set the Condition Type, Points Earn, Customer Tier Price Rule, and more.

In the Customer Tier allocation feature in the Merchant tool dropdown section

You can select the Customer ID and allocate them to the Tier.

Click on Customer ID for tier allocation for that particular customer

Set Points Value from the dropdown section of Merchant Tools

Add New and Select ID to set point value.

Here you can set points and their coupon values

Under the Customer Points section

You will have the details of points, events, expiry date of points, and creation date

Open the Redemption History option under Merchant tools

Here you can see the customer’s name and their history of points redeemed.

How Does It Work?

Customers can access the features for loyalty program for salesforce commerce cloud by simply, completing different tasks on the storefront set by you. Now, Let’s check them out.

First, customers have to sign up for an account on the storefront.

After signing up, customers can check their points by clicking on their Profile>“Loyalty Program” section.

Loyalty Program For Salesforce Commerce Cloud

In the Loyalty Points section, your customer will be able to see their earned points and also, know about different ways to earn more points.

After completing the tasks, earned points information is automatically sent to the customers in their mail. In this case, information about points earned on a successful signup is sent to the customer’s mail.

Earn points by placing a new order.

Select a product and click on add to cart.

add to cart

Now fill in the checkout details and Place the order to get points. Your earned points information will be sent to your mail ID and automatically updated on your dashboard.

place order

Earn points on your birthday

You can schedule the job to allocate the points to the customers on their birthdays. In this way, all the customers will receive the reward points on their birthdays. This will help you to build a strong relationship with all your customers.

Let’s find out how you can earn more points by sharing the storefront on your social.

Click on share on “Facebook”

Fill up your details to share on Facebook. After logging in you will now be able to share the store in your facebook profile.

facebook share

Information on points earned automatically received by customers on their mail

Share it on X and earn points.

After filling in all the details share the storefront in your Twitter profile. You will be able to share the store.

twitter share

On successful sharing your customers will receive the earned points information on their mail.

Earn more points by subscribing newsletter. Click on newsletter subscribe.

Scroll down to the bottom and fill up your email ID in the left-hand corner.

After filling in the details and subscribing newsletter, the points earned message will be shared on your mail.

Redeem Your Earned Points

Customers can redeem their earned points in coupons. They can go to their Loyalty Program dashboard and click on the “Redeem Points” button.

Loyalty Program For Salesforce Commerce Cloud

The smart algorithms of loyalty program for salesforce commerce cloud will do the work by giving the coupon code according to the total points earned by the customer. The customer will automatically receive the coupon code according to his earned points in his mail.

coupon code

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