
Set Up Your LWC Development Environment

Set Up Your LWC Development Environment and Create first component with lwc

We need to Set Up our LWC Development Environment,  To start development in the lightning web component we need



Enable Debug Mode in Your Development Org

To make it easier to debug JavaScript code, enable debug mode in your org. When you enable debug mode, the framework JavaScript code isn’t minified, so it’s easier to read and debug. Debug mode also adds more detailed output for some warnings and errors.

Only enable debug mode for users who are actively developing or debugging JavaScript. Salesforce is slower for users who have it enabled.

  1. In Salesforce, from Setup, enter Debug Mode in the Quick Find box, then select Debug Mode.
  2. In the user list, locate any users who need debug mode enabled. If necessary, use the standard list view controls to filter your org’s users.
  3. Enable the selection checkbox next to users for whom you want to enable debug mode.
  4. Click Enable.



To work with Lightning web components, you need version 45 or greater of the Salesforce CLI. Check the installed version

sfdx plugins --core

if the version is below 45 then update it by

sfdx plugins:install salesforcedx@latest


Install the Local Development Server

The local development server is a Salesforce CLI plug-in. Install it to develop Lightning web components and see live changes without pushing your components to an org.


  1. Run this command from a command-line interface.
sfdx plugins:install @salesforce/lwc-dev-server

After the local development server is installed Check for updates to the local development server.

sfdx plugins:update

Complete all the step mention above and Set Up Your LWC Development Environment is completed Now its time to start some developmet to get some info on creating the first component



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